Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hi, I've been away from regular posting for a while now, as I've been struggling with health issues.

Natural Cure For Thyroid Nodules

I planned on starting Fulvic Acid to cure my thyroid nodules, a couple of months ago. I've done a lot of research, and found out that it has proven to cure them at least according to treatments done in China. I've previously posted about it, so just do a search of my blog, and I have all the information you need there, including where to find the treatment, and treatment results done in China. The hold up has been my health challenges, and trying to decide the best Fulvic Acid to begin using, as there are many out there.


I've also been struggling financially, as I'm sure many of you are also. It is very difficult when you are not well enough to work, isn't it? So I had to wait until I could afford the Fulvic Acid.

My crappy water filter gave out for good too, and I had to get a new one, since pure healthy water is probably one of the most important things you can do for your health. It's also important to take the Fulvic Acid with pure filtered water. I finally got the Berkey Water Filter!

Fulvic Acid - A Great Chelator

I decided on what Fulvic Acid I would use, but then I decided to have a Heavy Metals Test done beforehand to determine what metal load I have, because Fulvic Acid is a natural chelator. I personally believe that a heavy metal load can contribute to thyroid nodules.

I then had to figure out what heavy metal test to have and decided on the 24 hour urine Mercury and Heavy Metals Test as it is supposed to be more accurate. I will start the test tomorrow, and I'll be starting the Fulvic Acid either this week or next. I may wait to get the test results back or I might not, but I do plan on starting out the Fulvic Acid gradually, which I would recommend to everyone, in case of severe detoxing. You don't want to overwhelm your system, you especially need to protect your liver.

I'll keep you informed in case any of you with thyroid nodules want to know.

Good Health and Wealth,


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