Hi, welcome to my blog. My first post
in March 2010, entitled "Getting Started," explains why I started this blog. Please read it, and subscribe and come back often.
If you are interested in losing weight, and keeping it off as I did, I suggest starting from my first post and read the first ones in order. I describe my blog as an alternative health, and wellness blog, with frugality.
I'm a former teacher, and nurse, who worked in the alternative medicine field for over seven years. My education in health, and healing really began after I got sick myself. For many years now I practice what I preach, and it is a subject I study daily. I want to share my experiences with others who struggle with health, and financial concerns.
I'm still healing, and teaching, and I'm currently a Life Coach.
Also, check out my permanent pages, on the top of my blog. You will find a number of relevant health posts when you click on the "Important Posts" link at the top.
Good Health and Wealth,