Hi, I'm posting this information, because I want everyone, who may be interested, to be able to listen to this online summit. It's
FREE, at least for the first 24 hours of each speaker. They are selling the series, but for the first 24 hours of each speaker it's totally
FREE to listen to it.
This online summit is too important to not make the time for it. John, and Ocean Robbins are the co-hosts, and there are 24 guest speakers, so at least check them out, and even if you feel you can't listen to all of them all you can at least listen to a couple that are the most
important to you.
It should be very interesting. Some of the speakers you will recognize, for example Tony Robbins, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Paul McCartney, yes former Beatle Paul McCartney.
The large food companies keep saying there is nothing wrong with their products, but chronic diseases are at an all time high. Learn what the experts have to say. Learn the truth about our food.
Here is the
link. You have to register, so do it now, because the Summit starts tomorrow, April 25, 2015, and ends on May 3, 2015. You have nothing to
lose, except perhaps your good health if you don't make the time now.
Good Health, and Wealth.
Get insights about food policy you won’t hear on cable news! Dare to know the TRUTH about what you're eating, where it comes from, and how it impacts your life.
Join the world’s most respected visionaries, authors and experts and RECLAIM YOUR HEALTH with the FOOD YOU EAT!
- See more at:
The big food companies tell us there’s nothing wrong with their products or their practices. But the truth is, something IS WRONG.
- See more at:
Get insights about food policy you won’t hear on cable news! Dare to know the TRUTH about what you're eating, where it comes from, and how it impacts your life.
Join the world’s most respected visionaries, authors and experts and RECLAIM YOUR HEALTH with the FOOD YOU EAT!
- See more at:
Get insights about food policy you won’t hear on cable news! Dare to know the
TRUTH about what you're eating, where it comes from, and how it impacts your life.
Join the world’s most respected visionaries, authors and experts and
- See more at:
Here is the
link. You have to sign up for the Summit so do it now, because the broadcast starts tomorrow, April 25, 2015, and ends on May 3, 2015. You have nothing to
lose, except perhaps your good health if you don't make the time nowGood Health, and Wealth.