Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hi, I just want to let everyone know that today you can get a $15 ebay Gift Card for only $7! I got mine, and so did over 300,000 other people.

This is a great deal! Sorry that this is only for the U.S. ebay. Also this deal is only good until tonight, Thursday, March, 31st.

Here is my referral link.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hi, I want everyone to have access to this information. David Wolfe is one of the most knowledgeable people on alternative health and healing. Take heed of this advice. God bless us all, and especially the Japanese people on the forefront of this disaster. When will we all learn? As I'm living through this, it reminds me so much of the movie (and book) "On The Beach". We at least have time to stop this madness, but will we? No one wants to live near a nuclear power plant, but so many of us do. When are we going to learn to conserve energy, or at least drastically cut back, and ONLY accept safe alternatives, i.e., solar, wind, and hydropower?

Here is a link to David Wolfe's facebook page (he's a public figure) where he has a link to his interview where he talks about the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and what steps we can take to shield ourselves from harmful radiation. This is good practice in our usual daily lives as well as those that are, and will be, affected by this disaster, since we live with a lot of radiation exposure in normal modern day living.

UPDATE:  Since this link is to his facebook page, and subsequent posts have made it difficult for some to find the link to his audios on this important information, look for the link in his March 16, 2011 post, that is where you will find it.  He also has an updated post on March 19, 2011, with even more information, so you need to check that one out too.

David Wolfe interview.

Updated information:  It seems you have to be signed in to your facebook account to access David Wolfe's facebook page to listen to the recordings.

Good Health and Wealth.


Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hi, even though I'm still recuperating from a wisdom tooth extraction, I just had to post today, to say that many here in the U.S. are sending healing thoughts and prayers to our friends in Japan. The unspeakable things that have been happening there make us all appreciate what we have a little bit more, and wish that the people in Japan will be healed.

I know how energy works, and if we all send healing thoughts and/or prayers, whatever is right for you, to them, it will help. Thoughts and prayers are energy, so we all need to uplift them with our energy, thoughts, prayers, gifts, and any way that we are personally able to help.

I'm wishing you all, especially the people of Japan, blessings, and Good Health and Wealth.
