Sunday, May 30, 2010

Not So Sexy: Hidden Chemicals in Perfume and Cologne | Environmental Working Group

Hi, I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.

I'm posting a link to a very important article from EWG.

I live with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivies) and it is very difficult to function in society with it, as anytime people like me are around people with any kind of chemical smells, we get sick.  Many people  get very hurt when you mention it to them.  People that suffer from this ailment look normal, and people who don't have it themselves find it very hard to believe.

We are often referred to as the canaries, since we are the first one feeling the effects.  It happens more frequently with people that have any kind of auto immune diseases.  The fact is, though, that anytime  you can smell something it means the molecules are going into your nose, and consequently into your body.  You couldn't smell it if it didn't.  So everyone who can smell it is getting the chemicals into their bodies. 

That is one of the reasons I wanted everyone to read this article, so that everyone is at least aware of the chemicals they are exposing themselves to, and everyone else.  Remember also, that perfume and cologne are not the only things with "fragrance" added.  The list is endless, most things that you use daily probably have many dangerous chemicals in them.

I'll be posting more about this important topic in the future.  I hope you read the article, and peruse the rest of EWG's website.

Not So Sexy: Hidden Chemicals in Perfume and Cologne | Environmental Working Group

Good Health and Wealth,



Ikea is having another great free breakfast weekend in US stores,
this weekend May 29-31. 

Enjoy one small $.99 breakfast and a cup of coffee, for free.

Store participation varies, so check out your local Ikea.


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Free Glidden Paint - Get Two - Give Two

Glidden is having a great giveaway.  They are giving away two free samples of paint to you, and two free samples to your friend.

Each sample comes with a brush attached to the lid, and each one includes enough paint to cover three square feet.

The giveaway start on Tuesday, June 1, 2010, at 12:01 AM EST, and goes to June 7, 2010, or until supplies last, so get them quick.

Here is the link to check out the rules and details.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hi, one of the main arguments for heavily pesticide sprayed conventional farming, is that without it enough food can't be produce to feed all the people in the world.  They claim people would die of hunger, to me that is ridiculous, and I would say that people are dying and will continue to die from all the chemicals and pesticides that are being used for farming conventional food.  Not only from the food, but from all the contamination of our water, air, and soil.

Experts, much wiser then myself have studied this and I'm posting another article by one of the experts, Andre Leu.  He covers many aspects of this debate, from the pesticides to the politics. His article brings evidence to show that organic farming can feed everyone, and is indeed much preferred, as we know our health is at stake with this argument.

I want everyone to keep in mind, that the organic farmers are presently doing a great job, and more and more is being learned every day, so even more improvements in organic farming will come in the future. 

Please take the time to read this interesting article by Leu, and you can arm yourself with the knowledge you need to support your choice for healthy living.  Let's all demand healthy affordable food.

Organic Agriculture Can Feed The World

By Andre Leu, Chair, Organic Federation of Australia

Several high-profile advocates of conventional agricultural production have stated that the world would starve if we all converted to organic agriculture. They have written articles for science journals and other publications saying that organic agriculture is not sustainable and produces yields that are significantly lower than conventional agriculture.

Thus, the push for genetically modified organisms, growth hormones, animal-feed antibiotics, food irradiation and toxic synthetic chemicals is being justified, in part, by the rationale that without these products the world will not be able to feed itself.

Ever since Thomas Malthus wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population in 1798 and first raised the specter of overpopulation, various experts have been predicting the end of human civilization because of mass starvation.

The theme was popularized again by Paul Ehrlich in his 1968 book, The Population Bomb. According to Ehrlich’s logic, we should all be starving now that the 21st century has arrived: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s the world will undergo famines .. hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.”

The only famines that have occurred since 1968 have been in African countries saddled with corrupt governments, political turmoil, civil wars and periodic droughts. The world had enough food for these people — it was political and logistical events that prevented them from producing adequate food or stopped aid from reaching them. Hundreds of millions of people did not starve to death.

The specter of mass starvation is being pushed again as the motive for justifying GMOs. In June 2003, President Bush stated at a biotechnology conference, “We should encourage the spread of safe, effective biotechnology to win the fight against global hunger.”

We must now ask ourselves: Is global hunger due to a shortage of food production?

In this first decade of the 21st century, many farmers around the world are facing a great economic crisis of low commodity prices. These low prices are due to oversupply. Current economic theories hold that prices decrease when supply is greater than demand.

Most of our current production systems are price driven, with the need for economies of scale to reduce unit costs. The small profit margins of this economic environment favor enterprises working in terms of large volume, and as a result the family farm is declining. Many areas of the United States and Australia have fewer farmers now than 100 years ago, and the small rural centers they support are disappearing. Hundreds of thousands of farmers have had to leave their farms in Argentina due to higher production costs and lower commodity prices. The sugar industry in Australia is on the verge of collapse for the same reason. Australian dairy farmers continue to leave the industry since deregulation forced down the prices they receive. Most of the major industrial countries are subsidizing their farmers so that their agricultural sectors do not collapse.

Europe, North America, Australia and Brazil are in the process of converting a large percentage of their arable land from food production to biofuels such as ethanol in an effort to establish viable markets for their farmers. The latest push in GMO development is BioPharm, in which plants such as corn, sugarcane and tobacco are modified to produce new compounds such as hormones, vaccines, plastics, polymers and other non-food compounds. All of these developments will mean that less food is grown on some of the world’s most productive farmland.

Grain farmers in India have protested about cheap imports that are sending them deeper into poverty. Countries such as India and China, once considered as overpopulated basket cases, export large quantities of food. In fact, India, one of the world’s most populated countries, is a net food exporter in most years.

South American rainforests are cleared for pasture that is grazed with beef destined for the hamburger chains of North America. Once the soil is depleted, new areas are cleared for pasture and old, degraded areas are abandoned to weeds. In Asia, most of the forests are cleared for timber that is exported to the developed industrial economies. One of the saddest things about this massive, wasteful destruction of biodiversity is that very little of the newly cleared land is used to feed the poor. Most of this production of timber and beef is exported to the world’s richest economies.

The reality is that the world produces more than enough food to feed everyone and has more than enough suitable agricultural land to do it. Unfortunately, due to inefficient, unfair distribution systems and poor farming methods, millions of people do not receive adequate nutrition.

Can organic agriculture feed the world?

Organic agriculture needs to be able to answer two major questions:
1. Can organic agriculture produce high yields?
2. Can organic agriculture get the food to the people who need it?

An editorial in New Scientist for February 3, 2001, stated that low-tech, sustainable agriculture is increasing crop yields on poor farms across the world, often by 70 percent or more. This has been achieved by replacing synthetic chemicals with natural pest control and natural fertilizers.

Professor Jules Pretty, director of the Centre for Environment and Society at the University of Essex, wrote, “Recent evidence from 20 countries has found more than 2 million families farming sustainably on more than 4-5 million hectares. This is no longer marginal. It cannot be ignored. What is remarkable is not so much the numbers, but that most of this has happened in the past 5-10 years. Moreover, many of the improvements are occurring in remote and resource-poor areas that had been assumed to be incapable of producing food surpluses.”

An excellent example of this type of agricultural extension has been published in the January 2003 World Vision News. Working in conjunction AusAID, World Vision linked farmers from the impoverished Makuyu community in Kenya with the Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF).

They arranged workshops where KIOF members taught the principles of organic farming, including compost making, preparing safe organic pesticides, organic vegetable gardening and organic care of livestock.

Maize yields increased by four to nine times. The organically grown crops produced yields that were 60 percent higher than crops grown with expensive chemical fertilizers.

The wonderful thing is that many of these farmers now have a surplus of food to sell, whereas previously they did not even have enough to eat. They are organizing marketing co-ops to sell this surplus.

The profits are going back to the community. They have distributed dairy goats, rabbits, hives and poultry to community members and have planted 20,000 trees, including 2,000 mangos. Several of the organic farmers are training many other farmers in the district and helping them to apply organic farming techniques to their farms.

The mood of the community has changed. They are now confident and empowered with the knowledge that they can overcome the problems in their community.

These types of simple, community-based organic agricultural models are what is needed around the world to end rural poverty and starvation, not GMOs and expensive toxic chemicals.

The Makuyu community in Kenya is not an isolated example. Professor Pretty gives other examples from around the world of increases in yield when farmers have replaced synthetic chemicals and shifted to sustainable/organic methods:
• 223,000 farmers in southern Brazil using green manures and cover crops of legumes and livestock integration have doubled yields of maize and wheat to 4-5 tons/hectare.
• 45,000 farmers in Guatemala and Honduras used regenerative technologies to triple maize yields to 2-2.5 tons/ha and diversify their upland farms, which has led to local economic growth that has in turn encouraged remigration back from the cities.
• 200,000 farmers across Kenya as part of sustainable agriculture programs have more than doubled their maize yields to about 2.5 to 3.3 tons/ha and substantially improved vegetable production through the dry seasons.
• 100,000 small coffee farmers in Mexico have adopted fully organic production methods and increased yields by half.
• A million wetland rice farmers in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam have shifted to sustainable agriculture, where group-based farmer field schools have enabled farmers to learn alternatives to pesticides and increase their yields by about 10 percent.

Nicolas Parrott of Cardiff University, U.K., authored a report entitled The Real Green Revolution. He gives case studies that confirm the success of organic and agroecological farming techniques in the developing world:
• In Madhya Pradesh, India, average cotton yields on farms participating in the Maikaal Bio-Cotton Project are 20 percent higher than on neighboring conventional farms.
• In Madagascar, SRI (System of Rice Intensification) has increased yields from the usual 2-3 tons per hectare to yields of 6, 8 or 10 tons per hectare.
• In Tigray, Ethiopia, a move away from intensive agrochemical usage in favor of composting has produced an increase in yields and in the range of crops it is possible to grow.
• In the highlands of Bolivia, the use of bonemeal and phosphate rock and intercropping with nitrogen-fixing lupin species have significantly contributed to increases in potato yields.

One of the most important aspects of the teaching farmers in these regions to increase yields with sustainable/organic methods is that the food and fiber is produced close to where it is needed and in many cases by the people who need it. It is not produced halfway around the world, transported, and then sold to them.

Another important aspect is the low input costs. Growers do not need to buy expensive imported fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. The increase in yields also comes with lower production costs, allowing a greater profit to these farmers.

Third, the substitution of more labor-intensive activities such as cultural weeding, composting and intercropping for expensive imported chemical inputs provides more employment for local and regional communities. This employment allows landless laborers to pay for their food and other needs.

As in the example of the Makuyu community in Kenya, these benefits lead to a positive change in the wealth and the mood of the community. These communities are revitalized, proactive and empowered to improve their future.

Can organic agriculture achieve high yields in developed nations?

Since 1946, the advent of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, improved crop varieties and industrial paradigms are credited with producing the high yields of the “green revolution.” Because organic agriculture avoids many of these new inputs, it is assumed that it always results in lower yields.

The assumption that greater inputs of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides are required to increase food yields is not accurate. In a study published in The Living Land, Professor Pretty looked at projects in seven industrialized countries of Europe and North America. He reported, “Farmers are finding that they can cut their inputs of costly pesticides and fertilizers substantially, varying from 20 to 80 percent, and be financially better off. Yields do fall to begin with (by 10 to 15 percent, typically), but there is compelling evidence that they soon rise and go on increasing. In the USA, for example, the top quarter of sustainable agriculture farmers now have higher yields than conventional farmers, as well as a much lower negative impact on the environment.”

Professor George Monbiot, in an article in the Guardian (August 24, 2000), wrote that wheat grown with manure has produced consistently higher yields for the past 150 years than wheat grown with chemical nutrients, in U.K. trials.

A study of apple production conducted by Washington State University compared the economic and environmental sustainability of conventional, organic and integrated growing systems in apple production. The organic system had equivalent yields to the other systems. The study also showed that the break-even point was nine years after planting for the organic system and 15 and 16 years, respectively, for conventional and integrated farming systems.

In an article published in the peer-review scientific journal Nature, Laurie Drinkwater and colleagues from the Rodale Institute showed that organic farming had better environmental outcomes as well as similar yields of both products and profits when compared to conventional, intensive agriculture.

Gary Zimmer, one of the American pioneers of biological farming, runs an organic dairy farm with his son in Wisconsin. In 2000 one of his remineralized alfalfa (lucerne) fields produced a yield four times greater than the average for the district. He has increased the nutrient value of pasture by 300 percent and currently calves 150 cows every year without a single health problem.

Dick Thompson, a founding member of the Progressive Farmers of Iowa, engages in organic farm research in conjunction with the University of Iowa, the Rodale Institute and the Wallace Institute. He obtains some of the highest yields in his district using composts, ridge-tilling and crop rotations.

The innovative system of rotationally grazing several species of animals developed by Joel and Theresa Salatin of Polyface Farm in Virginia is one of the best examples of a high-yield organic system. They use 100 acres of dryland pasture to cell-graze cattle, sheep, pigs, meat chickens, laying hens, turkeys, pheasants and rabbits.

Their system is based on native pastures, without cultivation or new, “improved” pasture species. The only input has been the feed for the poultry. This multi-species rotational grazing system builds one inch of soil a year and returns the family 15 times the income per acre than is received by neighbouring farms using a set stocking of cattle.

Steve Bartolo, president of the Australian Organic Sugar Producers Association, produced similar yields of commercial sugar per hectare from his organic Q124 cane and his conventional cane in 2002. The average yield of sugar for his best organic cane “achieved higher tonnes per hectare compared to the average of all conventionally grown Q124.”

Greg Paynter, an organic farmer who works for the Queensland Department of Primary Industries, conducted the organic section of grain comparison trials at Dalby Agricultural College in 2002. The organic wheat produced 3.23 tonnes to the hectare compared to the conventional wheat yield of 2.22 tonnes. This trial was conducted during one of the worst droughts on record.

Graham McNally of Kialla Farms, one of Australia’s significant organic pioneers, consistently achieves yields comparable to those of the conventional farms in his region.

Dr Rick Welsh of the Henry A. Wallace Institute reviewed numerous academic publications comparing organic and conventional production systems in the United States. The data showed that the organic systems were more profitable. This profit was not always due to premiums, but was instead a result of lower production and input costs as well as more consistent yields. Dr. Welsh’s study also showed that organic agriculture produces better yields than conventional agriculture in adverse weather events, such as droughts or higher-than-average rainfall.

Will GMOs feed the world?
Argentina is a good example of what happens when a country pursues the policies of market deregulation and GMO crops. It is the third-largest producer of GMO crops, with 28 percent of the world’s production. By the 1999-2000 season, more than 80 percent of the total soybean acreage, or 6.6 million hectares, had been converted to GMOs. These are some of the results according to a study published by Lehmann and Pengue in the Biotechnology and Development Monitor:
• Declining profit margins — prices for soybeans declined 28 percent between 1993 and 1999.
• Farmers’ profit margins fell by half between 1992 and 1999, making it difficult for many to pay off bank loans for machinery, chemical inputs and seeds.
• A 32 percent decrease in producers — between 1992 and 1997, the number of producers dropped from 170,000 to 116,000, meaning 54,000 farmers were forced to leave the industry.
• At least 50 percent of the acreage is now managed by corporate agriculture.
• There is an increasing role of transnational companies in the agricultural sector.
• Industrialization of grain and soybean production has boosted dependence on foreign agricultural inputs and increased foreign debt.
• Removal of import tariffs led to the bankruptcy of domestic farm machinery manufacturers and a loss of employment.
• The commercial seed sector has become increasingly controlled by subsidiaries of transnational corporations.

Since the above data was published, the Argentinean economy collapsed, causing riots and the resignations of several governments. The country is now currently in deep debt, with its economy under the control of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Its standard of living has declined, and thousands more farmers have been forced off their farms. Rural and urban poverty and hunger has increased.

According to Caritas Argentina, the social services agency of the Catholic Church in that country, over 40 percent of all Argentinean children are now undernourished: “World Health Organization standards for daily caloric intake are unmet for nearly 40 percent of Argentinean children under 18, and for up to half in the poorer northeast region of the country. Even in the comparatively wealthy capital city Buenos Aires, at least 19 children have died of malnutrition in recent months.”

If GMOs cannot feed the children in the country that is the world’s third-largest producer of GMO crops, how will they feed the rest of the world?

Conclusion: Organic agriculture can feed the world.

The data thus shows that it is possible to obtain very good yields using organic systems. This is not uniform at the moment, with many organic growers not yet producing at the levels that are achievable. Education on the best practices in organic agriculture is a cost-effective and simple method of ensuring high levels of economically, environmentally and socially sustainable production where it is needed.

Organic agriculture is a viable solution to preventing global hunger because:
• It can achieve high yields.
• It can achieve these yields in the areas where it is needed most.
• It has low inputs.
• It is cost-effective and affordable.
• It provides more employment so that the impoverished can purchase their own needs.
• It does not require any expensive technical investment.

It costs tens of millions of dollars and takes many years to develop one genetically modified plant variety. This money would be spent far more productively on organic agricultural education, research and extension in the areas where we need to overcome hunger and poverty.

Organic agriculture is the quickest, most efficient, most cost-effective and fairest way to feed the world.

Andre Leu is the president of the Organic Producers Association of Queensland and vice chair of the Organic Federation of Australia. He can be reached at P.O. Box 800, Mossman, Queensland 4873, Australia.

Andre Leu

I hope you enjoyed this article.

Good Health and Wealth,


Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hi,  I'm posting an article by Andre Leu, because it is very good, and well worth a read.

I'm constantly saying how organic food is superior to conventional, and worth the extra cost, "pay the grocer now, or the doctor later," but it is difficult to convince everyone of that.  Leu's article is great, because he backs up his premise with published studies and facts.  He is much more succinct than I, and his article is very complete, he references many aspects of organic food, not just the lesser pesticides.
He mentions nitrates, pathogens, and salicylic acid, keep and eye out for those, and how organic produce creates more antioxidants then conventional, and why.

Leu is from Australia, and I like that many of the studies of different countries are referred, and not just those here in the US.  Here is a link to the page of the references he used for this article, they are on the bottom of the page after the article.

Don't forget when you purchase organic produce, you are not only are helping yourself, and your family, but you are keeping all the synthetic chemicals and pesticides out of our environment, so you are benefiting us all.  Hopefully, if we all demand affordable organic food, the price will come down to a more appropriate level.

I hope my readers will spend the few minutes it will take to read his article, I think you will be pleased that you did.

The Benefits of Organic Food

By Andre Leu, Chair, Organic Federation of Australia


Many people purchase organic food because they believe it is healthier than conventionally grown food. The organic industry is constantly told that there is no evidence to support these claims. This article looks at published information that shows that organic food is substantially healthier than conventional food.
Research published in 2001 showed that the current fruit and vegetables in the USA have about half the vitamin content of their counterparts in 1963. This study was based on comparing published US Department of Agriculture (USDA) figures. 1
A scientific study published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition in 1993 clearly showed that organic food is more nutritious than conventional food. Organically and conventionally grown apples, potatoes, pears, wheat, and sweet corn were purchased in the western suburbs of Chicago, over two years, and analysed for mineral content. The organically grown food averaged 63% higher in calcium, 73% higher in iron, 118% higher in magnesium, 178% higher in molybdenum, 91% higher in phosphorus, 125% higher in potassium and 60% higher in zinc. The organic food averaged 29% lower in mercury than the conventionally raised food. 2
A peer reviewed scientific article published in the February 2003 edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry stated that organically grown corn, strawberries and marionberries have significantly higher levels of cancer fighting antioxidants than conventionally grown foods. Some of these compounds, such as Flavonoids, are phenolic compounds that have potent antioxidant activities. Many are produced in plants in response to environmental stresses, such as insects or competing plants. They are protective compounds that act as a plant's natural defense and also have protective properties in human and animal health.
The research suggested that pesticides and herbicides disrupt the production of these protective compounds.  Good soil nutrition appears to increase the levels of these natural compounds that have anti cancer, immune boosting and anti aging properties. 3
Another peer reviewed scientific study, published in European Journal of Nutrition, showed a higher level of a protective phytonutrient in organic food. Dr John Paterson and a team from the University of Strathclyde, UK, found that organic vegetable soups contain almost six times as much salicylic acid as non-organic vegetable soups. Salicylic acid is produced naturally in plants as a protective compound against stress and disease. It is responsible for the anti-inflammatory action of aspirin, and helps combat hardening of the arteries and bowel cancer.
The average level of salicylic acid in 11 brands of organic vegetable soup, on sale in Britain, was 117 nanograms per gram, compared with 20 ng/g in 24 types of non-organic soups. The highest concentration of salicylic acid, 1040 ng/g, was found in an organic carrot and coriander soup, while it was not detectable in four conventional soup brands.4
Two comprehensive studies have been published that compared the differences between organic and conventional foods. Both studies analyzed around 40 previously published studies, each independently of the other. One study was conducted in the UK by Shane Heaton for the Soil Society and the other in the USA by Virginia Worthington as a peer reviewed university graduate thesis. Both studies came up with similar conclusions showing that there is overwhelming evidence that organic food is more nutritious than conventional food. One of the authors stated: ‘On average our research found higher vitamin C, higher mineral levels and higher phytonutrients - plant compounds which can be effective against cancer. There's also less water in organic vegetables so pound for pound you get more carrot for your carrot.’ 5, 6
It is no coincidence that the consumer demand for food supplements has grown, as the amount of minerals and vitamins decline, in conventionally farmed food. Many people cannot get the necessary quantity and quality of nutrition from food grown from synthetic chemicals.
In the recent past there have been a number of media stories claiming that, because organic foods are grown with manure, they contain higher levels of dangerous pathogens. On investigation, all of these stories were proved to be false and most of the media presenters apologised publicly for promoting inaccurate and misleading stories.
It is a requirement of organic certification systems that animal manures are composted, or that two non-food rotations are grown on a manured site before it can be used for small crops. A United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) report concluded that the superior management practices of organic agriculture reduce E. coli and mycotoxin infections in food.
‘It can be concluded that organic farming potentially reduces the risk of E. coli infection - Two studies reported by Woess found that aflatoxin M1 levels in organic milk were lower than in conventional milk ... As organically raised livestock are fed greater proportions of hay, grass and silage, there is reduced opportunity for mycotoxin contaminated feed to lead to mycotoxin contaminated milk’.

The report further stated. ‘Animal feeding practices followed in organic livestock production, also lead to a reduction in contamination of food products of animal origin.’ 7
FAO (2000)
Food Additives
The use of antibiotics, anti-microbials, hormones and other growth promotants are prohibited in organic production. Where animals are treated with veterinary chemicals, they are not allowed to be sold as organic. Similarly the use of synthetic chemicals as preservatives, colourings, antioxidants etc are prohibited in the processing of organic foods. There is an increasing body of concern about these synthetic compounds in the diets of humans and animals used for human food. 5
Chemical Residues
Many studies show that most conventionally farmed foods have pesticide and other chemical residues. Repeated tests show that many of these foods can carry a cocktail of synthetic poisons.8,9,10,11
A growing body of science is showing that repeated exposures, to cocktails of small amounts of synthetic chemicals, have a range of adverse health effects. A recently published study shows that as little a one tenth of a part per billion of one commonly used herbicide can damage reproductive systems.12
Many scientists believe these exposures, of minute quantities of agricultural chemicals, are very significant for children. The United States Environmental Protection Agency is now in the process of reducing current chemical residue levels in food to one tenth of the present levels to lessen childhood exposure.9,11,13 
A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found a cocktail of many toxic chemicals in the blood and urine of most Americans that they tested. Other studies show that most living organisms carry a cocktail of synthetic man made chemicals. Only now are scientists beginning to understand the detrimental effects of minute amounts of these artificial toxins.9,10,14
Peer reviewed published research has demonstrated that many of these types of chemicals are known to disrupt the hormone, nervous and immune systems. The escalating increase of certain types of cancers such as lymphoma, leukemia, breast, uterine and prostate cancers are linked to agricultural and other synthetic chemicals. Similarly, a good body of scientific research also links these chemicals to the dramatic increases in autoimmune diseases such as asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome. Cancers such as Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma have gone from being one of the rarest cancers to one of the fastest growing cancers amongst people exposed to agricultural chemicals. 9,10,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23
A detailed scientific analysis of organic fruits and vegetables, published in the peer-reviewed journal Food Additives and Contaminants, showed that organic foods have significantly less pesticide residues than conventionally grown foods. 8
Most importantly scientific studies are beginning to show that that eating organic food results in lower levels of these pervasive chemicals in humans.
A study published in the peer reviewed journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, found that children who eat organic foods have lower levels of one class of agricultural pesticides in their bodies. The University of Washington researchers who conducted the study concluded ‘The dose estimates suggest that consumption of organic fruits, vegetables, and juice can reduce children's exposure levels from above to below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's current guidelines, thereby shifting exposures from a range of uncertain risk to a range of negligible risk. Consumption of organic produce appears to provide a relatively simple way for parents to reduce their children's exposure to OP pesticides.’ 11
The use of soluble chemical fertilisers has resulted in high nitrate concentrations in many conventionally farmed foods, especially in fruits and vegetables. Leafy vegetables can have the highest concentrations. The leaching of these fertilisers has also resulted in high nitrate levels in some drinking water systems around the world.

High nitrate content in food and drinking water can be converted to nitrosamines that are carcinogens. Nitrates can impair the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, and may pose a risk of methemoglobinemia. 7

This is a condition that can occur in infants and adults with a diminished capability to secrete gastric acid. A rise in the pH in their digestive system allows bacteria to proliferate, increasing the transformation of nitrate to nitrite. When this nitrite is absorbed into the bloodstream, it oxidizes iron in the hemoglobin of red blood cells to form methemoglobin, which lacks hemoglobin's oxygen-carrying ability. In severe cases this can be one of the causes of Blue Baby syndrome, however in most cases the symptoms would be tiredness, lethargy and a general feeling of being unwell.

The nitrate content of organically grown crops is usually significantly lower than in conventionally grown products. The governments of Germany and France have encouraged conversion to organic farming in certain areas in a bid to improve water quality, particularly in relation to its nitrate content.7

The United Nations FAO states the case very succinctly. ‘It has been demonstrated that organically produced foods have lower levels of pesticide and veterinary drug residues and, in many cases, lower nitrate contents. Animal feeding practices followed in organic livestock production, also lead to a reduction in contamination of food products of animal origin.’ 7
The facts show that organic food has significant health benefits because it has negligible chemical residues, pathogens and higher nutritional values when compared to conventionally farmed food.

Andre Leu is the president of the Organic Producers Association of Queensland and vice chair of the Organic Federation of Australia. He can be reached at P.O. Box 800, Mossman, Queensland 4873, Australia.

Andre Leu

I hope you enjoyed the article.

Good Health and Wealth,


Friday, May 21, 2010


Tomorrow on Saturday, May 22, 2010, participating Walmarts will be giving away free ice cream sundaes, during the hours of 11:00 am - 4:00 pm.

The free ice cream sundaes will be made with Breyers new and exclusive flavors, and Blue Bunny Premium Ice Cream, and new All Natural Frozen Yogurt topped with Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, Reddi-wip, and Fresh Strawberries.  While supplies last.

Here's a link for you to check if a nearby Walmart is participating.  Just enter your zip code.

I don't recommend eating conventional ice cream, but an occasional treat is fine if you are healthy.  I post these Free - Frugal Alerts, and will continue to do so, so that you are all aware of the freebies, so you can save money.  If you choose to indulge in an occasional treat, it is certainly better to get it for free.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hi, you really can win a great prize in a contest or sweepstakes, and you can do it online.

1. Go to the top of my home page where I have at least 25 sweepstakes that you can enter every day. Click on the Contests/Sweepstakes permanent page at the top of my blog. I have made it very simple for you. I have posted links directly to the entry page of great sweepstakes and contests, all you have to do is enter. I've done all the work for you, because I have chosen only contests and sweepstakes that have good prizes that make it worth your time to enter, and are, to the best of my knowledge, reputable ones.

2. If you don't want to take advantage of what I offer on my blog, then you can go to contests and sweepstakes websites yourself, there are some good ones, and peruse the lists and choose the good ones, and set up a folder on your computer so that you can access them easily.

3. If you want to increase your chances even more, besides entering online, enter by any alternative means they allow. For example, they may allow snail mail, or entering by text.

4. Follow their instruction exactly. Many entries are discarded if the entry doesn't conform to their rules. You can leave optional information blank, but make sure you fill in everything that is required. Also, use the setup they require. For example, if they don't want hyphens in your phone number, leave them out. If you are sending an entry by snail mail, make sure you follow their directions exactly. If you have to send in a 3"x5" card make sure it is a card, not paper, and make sure your address it exactly as they require. In others words, don't waste your time, make sure you adhere to their requirements for a valid entry.

5. Use a type of automatic address filler, such as Autofill on Firefox. There are others, so choose the one you like and use it to make it easy to enter sweeps. Just be cautious, though, of the ones that say they do it all for you, as many sweeps don't accept those as valid entries. Use the auto fill ones, where you have to go to the entry form yourself, but they make it quick and easy to fill in your stats.

6. Do it everyday. Make sure you enter the ones that allow entry everyday, so that your chances are as good as anyone else. Make sure you don't miss a day, especially for a really good one that you want to win. On the other hand, make sure if they limit your entry to only one, make sure you don't enter it more then once by mistake, because sometimes they will invalidate all your entries and not even keep the first one, if you enter it more then once, even if by mistake.

7. Some say that if you enter at the very last minutes of a contest or sweepstakes, you have a better chance to win. I don't know if this is true, but if you can do it, why not try to increase your chances of a win.

8. Enter sweepstakes which offer a lot of prizes, because you have a better chance of winning something.

9. Enter sweepstakes which limit the entry area. For example if only a few states are eligible for entry, you will have a greater chances of winning. I've won a number of times with these types of sweepstakes.

10. Enter contests that require you to do something to win, unlike sweepstakes, especially if you have a talent. Maybe you are creative and could write a jingle or put together a great video. Don't limit yourself to sweepstakes if you think the contest prize is worth the effort.

It takes time and effort to make money this way, but you most certainly can do it. You need to have patience and work at it everyday. Take advantage of the tips I've listed, and I know if you keep at it you too will be rewarded for all your efforts with a win. Who knows, it could even be large prize worth a lot of money.

Good Health and Wealth,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hi all, I just wanted to keep you updated on the Center For Food Safety (CFS) vs Monsanto, Supreme Court Case.  Below is an email I received last week from the CFS.

Dear Jeanne,

Update: CFS Fighting Monsanto in the Supreme Court!
On Tuesday April 27, 2010 the United States Supreme Court heard argument in the Center for Food Safety’s case against Monsanto (Monsanto v Geertson Seed Farms), the first-ever Supreme Court case about genetically engineered crops.  To briefly recap, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) spent the last four years successfully litigating against Monsanto and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regarding the illegality of Monsanto’s pesticide-promoting, Roundup Ready Alfalfa.  We sued on behalf of our membership, representing a broad coalition of organic and conventional farmers who wished to retain the right to sow non-GE crops without contamination; public interest environmental organizations focused on the foreseeable environmental impacts of the crops on biodiversity; and consumers who demand the right to choose to eat GE-free, including many of you.

We believe that the Supreme Court argument went well for CFS.  Our legal team did a great job, in a hostile and challenging environment, against great odds. A decision is expected in June and there are many possible outcomes.  However, we still have a fighting chance.  We will let you know as soon as we hear word.

We could not do this important but immensely difficult work without your continued support and generosity.  Because of you, CFS has been able to take on Monsanto, one of the most powerful corporations in the world, and repeatedly win, driving them all the way to the Supreme Court.

CFS is still in need of your support for this groundbreaking legal case against Monsanto, to help cover legal fees and other costs associated with this case. Support is also needed so we can continue our legal and grassroots work to protect the food supply and hold the government and biotechnology companies such as Monsanto accountable for their actions.

Regardless of the outcome of this case, we are committed to protecting the interests of consumers, farmers, and the environment -- fighting the impacts of industrial agriculture and promoting the sustainable alternatives, through litigation where necessary.  CFS must continue our work to achieve more ground-breaking victories in protecting the future of our food and our environment. 
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to CFS today to help us continue our good work to keep our foods and our farms free from GMOs. Together, we can create a new food future for ourselves, our farms, and our families.

P.S. – Donate today to receive a copy of In Defense of Food, Your Right to Know, our Non-GMO Shoppers Guide, and more!

That is the letter I received. I know they are always asking for money, but they are a non-profit, and you don't have to donate to visit their website and inform yourself of what is going on with our food supply.

Any of the links will bring you to one of their websites, and you should check it out for information about what is going on.  You can also peruse my blog and check out my posts about the GMOs.

In case you want to check out their website, and avoid the donation appeals.  Here is a link to their home page to read up about what is going on with our food, and what the future plans are for it.  I don't want anyone to feel you have to donate to arm yourself with important information to protect yourself, and your family's health.

I guess we will hear about the ruling in June, when a decision is expected.  I want to ask everyone to send good, positive thoughts and energy, or prayers, whatever you choose, to try and bring about the best result for our food safety, and all of our health and welfare.  Also, please spread the word, and pass this on to others, we need to shine a light on what is going on.  The more people that know about this, the less likely it is that those doing things for their own profit, to the detriment of our health, can get away with it.  Thanks.

Good Health and Wealth,


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hi,  did anyone else watch "American Idol" tonight?  Wasn't it fun?  America always seems to get it right.  The three that are left are really good.  I had originally liked sweet little Aaron, he was so adorable.  But tonight when Lee was half way through his first song, I knew who would win it.  He wasn't my favorite, in the beginning, but he really deserves to win it now.  I've really enjoyed his performances a lot this past month.  Has he improved or what?  So that's my prediction, Lee will take it.

The best one (in my opinion) doesn't always win, but I really think this year the best one will.   When Simon gave him the song "Hallelujah," one of the best songs ever, for his second song, I knew it would be great.  It was so cute to see Simon in a good mood for a change, lol. But Simon's new "hairdo" has got to go.  A part down the middle?! lol  Anyway, it was a fun night, I hope you all got to see it, and after Monday's "Dancing With The Stars," which was a fun night, too, I'm in my guilty pleasure reality show heaven, lol.

Crystal has been good too, she's just not my favorite, but I must say I loved what she said tonight.  She put it all into perspective when she said she had her favorite mike, her friends were there, everyone (her friends and family) is healthy and her son is healthy, so that made everything great, I thought she was very wise.

I always say the most important thing is your health.  Believe me if you don't have that, almost nothing else matters.  I've known of people with a great family, friends and wealth, who were very sick, and nothing else seems to matter then.  I just want to remind everyone to value, and take very good care of their health, as it really is the foundation for everything else.  Remember taking care of yourself is not selfish.  Do it for yourself, and your loved ones, and remember to be very grateful for that good health, gratitude is probably the most important thing of all.

I'm posting a video that someone posted on youtube of Lee DeWyze's performance of "Hallelujah" on "American Idol" tonight, in case you missed it, so you can enjoy it too.  As a bonus you get to see Simon's hair. lol

Don't forget to sign up for the 2010 Tapping World Summit.

Good Health and Wealth,


Monday, May 17, 2010


Hi, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm sorry I couldn't post this past weekend as it was a busy one. 

The 2010 Tapping World Summit Is Now Set

I attended the 2009 Tapping World Summit, and got a lot out of it.  I wanted to let you all know about it so that you could sign up and attend this year's Tapping World Summit.  The best thing is you don't even have to leave your computer, or chair.  This is an online conference, and the second best news is that it is free.

You've read many of my posts about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or as many now refer to it in the broader sense MTT (Meridian Tapping Techniques).  Whatever you call it you want to know as much as you can about it.

Sign Up For The Tapping World Summit Now 

I have a bit of conflicting information that it starts on June 6 and 7.  I'm not certain what it is yet, but if you sign up you will receive all the information, and an email will be sent with the link to attend before each session.  It runs for ten days.  It turned out that over 81,000 of us attended the 2009 conference.  Here is the link if you want to learn about it, and sign up thanks to Dr. Mercola.  Registration is near the top of the page, and also at the bottom of the page.  You only have to give your name and email address.

There will be many great speakers, and when you sign up you'll get five bonus interviews, one from Bruce Lipton, one of the leading experts in epigenetics, which I'm really interested in hearing, another  from Jack Canfield of "The Secret," and a few others.  So don't miss this amazing opportunity.  I'll "see" you there.

Good Health and Wealth,


Friday, May 14, 2010


Hi, I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Are Peanuts And Peanut Butter A Healthy Or Unhealthy Food

Everyone is aware that many people are allergic to peanuts, and many schools even ban any form of peanuts because of the dangers to children who may be allergic.  Any severe allergy to a food, or something else, can be life threatening.  Everyone knows that.

What a lot of people aren't aware of are the other dangers of peanuts.  I don't eat peanuts, in any form, mostly because of that.  Peanuts can be confusing because we hear they contain a good fat, monounsaturated, but so does avocados, nuts and olive oil, which would be a healthier choice.  Peanuts also contain a high amount of omega-6, and a more balance omega-6 to omega-3 ratio would be best as in hemp seeds.

We also hear they are high in antioxidants and some vitamins and minerals.  The biggest claim to health lately has been that they contain resveratrol, which they do, but so do other foods, such as grapes, cranberries and blueberries, so you don't need to eat peanuts for that.

One problem with peanuts is that they are one of the most highly pesticide contaminated crops there is.  One important reason to only use organic peanut products if you choose to continue to eat peanuts.  Conventional peanut farmers have a disproportionately high rate of cancer, mainly because of all the pesticides they use, and because they eat a lot of peanuts.

Aflatoxins In Peanuts

The most important reason, outside of a severe allergy, is because they are often contaminated with aflatoxin.  Aflatoxin is a mycotoxin that is produced by many different species of a fungus called Aspergillus.  It is very dangerous, and it is a carcinogen.  It is so potent it has been know to wipe out complete tribes in Africa because of contaminated food there.  In smaller amounts it can be a slow killer, as in cancer, and is believed to cause liver cancer.

Aflatoxin can be in other products as well, corn is another likely one, which is another thing I don't eat.  Unfortunately, corn is in many products, especially convenience foods, as a by product, so if you eat processed foods it is almost impossible to avoid it.  Aflatoxin, can be in other foods as well nuts, grains, and dairy are possible, but much less of an issue then for the peanuts and corn.

Our government does sample testing of raw peanuts, and thet do not allow more then 20 parts per billion in the peanuts, so minute amounts are allowed.  They are tested when they are raw, and processing doesn't destroy the aflatoxin, so more can be growing in the peanut butter as it sits on the supermarket shelf.

Various peanut butters have been tested, and the leading major brands, among those containing aflatoxin,, has the lowest.  The store brands are next, and one of the worst offenders is the health food store peanut butter that you grind yourself.

I would recommend you never eat any peanuts and peanut butter, but if you choose to, please don't buy regular peanut butter.  Even with a minute amount of aflatoxin, if you eat it frequently you are no longer getting a minute amount, and do you really want to risk your health for peanut butter?

One Way To Mitigate The Risks Of Aflatoxin

The best way to avoid any risks from peanuts is to avoid eating them. There is something you can do, though, if you still feel the need to consume peanuts and peanut butter, even with all the risks.  One type of peanut has been fairly resistant to aflatoxin, and that is the Valencia peanut, which is grown mostly in New Mexico.  These type of peanuts, when they are grown in the southwest of the US, mainly New Mexico, grow in dry conditions not conducive to aflatoxin, a mold which likes moisture.

One problem is that not all Valencia peanuts are grown in that area, but most are.  If you use Arrowhead Mills organic peanut butter, you will avoid the pesticides and the aflatoxin, because it is made with organic Valencia peanuts, and that particular brand has never been shown to contain aflatoxin at all.  Although, that is no guarantee it will be that way forever, but it is certainly the safer way to go.

Now that you know, please be very careful with your use of peanuts and peanut butter, especially for children, as their health can be even more impacted then adults, because of their size, and their still developing immune systems.  They also tend to eat a lot of peanuts in candy products and desserts,  and peanut butter in sandwiches.

Good Health and Wealth,



Here is another great freebie.

Ikea is again having a kids eat free weekend.  

This weekend, May 14 - 16, 2010, that's 3 days, kids eat free at all 
participating US Ikea stores.

No adult purchase is necessary.

Here's the link to check out the details and locations.
It's on the bottom of the page.


Thursday, May 13, 2010


On Tuesday, May 18, 2010, Haagen-Dazs is having their free scoop day.

Between 4pm-8pm stop by a participating Haagen-Dazs store for a free
scoop of chocolate, vanilla, or coffee ice cream.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hi, I wonder if any of you have thought about the dangers of products some of you use everyday.

The Proliferation Of Chemicals In Everyday Use 

Fabric softeners and laundry dryer sheets contain many toxic chemicals.  These chemicals cling to and embed into the fabric.  When you wear the clothes with these chemicals on and in them they get onto and into your skin.  Remember skin in penetrable.  If you doubt that, think of the medicinal skin patches doctors use to deliver a drug into the body.

The commercials for these products really annoy me, because they try to make it seem like these chemical sheets add freshness and cleanness to clothes, when all they add are fake chemicals and chemical smells. Many of these smells appeal to people, because they have been created with chemicals to deliberately appeal to people.

It is also upsetting, because all of these chemicals end up in our drinking water.  Remember the cycle of water?  What goes down the drains is recycled and eventually ends up in our drinking water. If you are using these products, not only are you absorbing these chemicals, as well as your family, and they are especially harmful to children, but you are adding to the pollution of our water, soil and air.  Everything we do effects many others.  Think Butterfly Effect.

Some Of The Chemicals Used In Dryer Sheets And Fabric Softeners

Here is a list of some of the chemicals used in dryer sheets and fabric softeners.  There can be many more that are not listed.

1.    Alpha-Terpineol: This can cause respiratory problems, including fatal edema, and central nervous system damage.

2.   Benzyl acetate: This is linked to pancreatic cancer.

3.   Benzyl Alcohol: This is irritating to the upper respiratory tract,
and causes central nervous system disorders, and in severe cases
even causes death due to respiratory failure.

4.   Camphor: This one causes central nervous system disorders.

5.   Chloroform: A neurotoxic, anesthetic and carcinogenic.

6.   Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic on the EPA's Hazardous Waste list.

7.   Ethanol: This is on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)
Hazardous Waste list and can cause central nervous system disorders.

8.    Limonene: A known carcinogen.

9.    Linalool: A narcotic that causes central nervous system disorders,
and respiratory disturbances.

10.   Pentane: A chemical known to be harmful if inhaled.

Safer And Cheaper Alternatives That Really Work 

Many people say that they can't stand static cling, but I think you should be saying I can't stand putting dangerous chemical on, and in my, and my children's bodies.  Besides, there are many safer, cheaper alternatives that you can use to reduce static cling.

One of the best is about 1/2 cup of white vinegar in the final rinse.  The smell goes away once the clothes are dry, and it disinfects the clothes, and softens the clothes, and helps reduce static cling.  As an added benefit is helps remove some of the residual soap that always remains at the end of the wash.
If the vinegar isn't quite to your liking you can try adding baking soda, about 1/2 cup, to the final rinse.

Dryer balls are another alternative, and while they are made up of a chemical rubber type substance, they are much safer and work well.  At least they don't add any more chemical down the drain, and they are much cheaper since you can get them for a couple of dollars. 

You could also use a couple of balls of aluminum foil that you make by shaping aluminum sheets into balls, which works much the same way that the rubber dryer balls work.  If you miss having an added fragrance go with the natural essential oils, and added them to the final rinse or put a few drops on a wash cloth and throw in the dryer.

Please do the research for yourself, you don't have to take my word for it.  But please don't fall into the trap of thinking that "they" wouldn't allow anything into everyday products if they really caused any  harm.  Remind yourself of the chemicals added into cigarettes for decades, the lead added to paint and gasoline for years, and asbestos used in many products even to this day, just to name a few.

Take care and be well.

Good Health and Wealth,


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Free Bowling For Kids 

Many bowling alleys across the country (US) are giving kids 2 free games of bowling everyday this summer.  Some start in May so check the start dates for your local area.  Many run through to September, again check your area.

Here's the link so you can check out all the details, and sign up your child.


Friday, May 7, 2010


Hi,  I hope everyone has a great weekend.

My Bout With A Kidney Stone

In yesterday's post I mentioned that I drink lemon water every morning after I complete my oil pulling.  I started that at the end of last year, because the year before last I had a kidney stone, and was having trouble with another one, only one year later, at the end of last year as well.

I had surgery the first time, because it had gotten stuck, and the pain was excruciating, and conditions made it that I couldn't take the time to try and pass it.  I  learned what kind of stone it was, since that is important in knowing how to treat it. The latest one I wanted to dissolve naturally, before it got stuck.  I knew it was probably the same type of stone, a calcium oxalate stone, so I searched for a natural remedy.  When I came across this video on youtube, my intuition knew it would work.  There is science behind it, too, since lemon juice can dissolve kidney and gall stones.

I followed the instructions on this video, and it worked.  I decided after that, that I would make sure I drink lemon water every morning to keep the stones away, and outside of a few days when I couldn't, I've done it every day since.  It really does keep the kidneys stones away.  Get the added salt out of your diet, and drink a lot of filtered water everyday, too, to keep them away.

Check out this video.  I think this guy does a great job of instructing how to do the procedure, and I give him a lot of credit, giving the advice away for free.  There are many others who are selling this same information.  I don't believe it is right to withhold information, for money, that can help people avoid pain and disease. Take the few minutes it takes to watch this; you may be grateful one day that you did.

I decided to post the instructions, as well, since someone may have to stop back to review the directions, and just want to read them. 


*Take at least 20 lemons (organic preferred) and juice the lemons.  You will need at least 20 ounces of fresh lemon juice.

*Take 8 ounces of straight lemon juice and drink it down.  Make sure you rinse your mouth out with water and/or water with baking soda (make sure you don't drink the baking soda mix) to remove the acid from your teeth.  Contrary to the video, I don't  recommend brushing your teeth right after, as they are softened when you expose them to the acid of the lemon juice, and brushing right after may damage them further, just rinse your mouth out thoroughly.

*One hour later, drink one 8 ounce glass of water, with one ounce of lemon juice stirred in it.

*You want to continue the one ounce of lemon juice in 8 ounces of water every hour for 12 hours, until the lemon juice is finished.  Always rinse your mouth out afterwards.

You can use a strainer to strain your urine to see if you pass it.  If it doesn't pass after the first time, you may have to repeat this.  Repeat it as often as you need to, to get the job done.  With multiple stones and/or large stones you probably will have to repeat it. Remember this will only work on the calcium oxalate stones, luckily the majority of kidney stones is this type of stone.

An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure 

Once you have freed yourself from the kidney stone or stones, keep them away, by starting every morning with one or two ounces of lemon juice in 8 ounces of water every morning.  I usually take two ounces.  Lemon water has many health benefits so don't hesitate in starting every day with it.

Consider giving it a try if you are struggling with trying to dissolve, and/or pass a kidney stone. My heart goes out to you if you are, since I know the pain that it causes. After you get rid of it, consider drinking the lemon water every morning to assist in keeping them away. It thankfully works for me, and it might work for you too.  Besides that, it is a very healthy way to start the day.

In the video, the fella also recommends prayer to make sure the stones are dissolved.  I would second that, as prayer has been proven to help with healing.  It makes sense, because prayer is positive energy.  I would also add EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and belief that it will work.  One of the most successful medicine ever tested is the placebo; believing something will work is also positive energy.

I know some of you find yourselves without medical insurance, and can't afford to see a doctor.  But I need to tell you, that if your are having any difficulty, please go for medical help, because kidney stones  can lead to very serious, even life threatening circumstances.  I really wish everyone had access to medical help, and was able to afford it, especially alternative medicine.

Good Health and Wealth,


Thursday, May 6, 2010


On Thurs. May, 6, and Friday, May 7, and Sat. May 8, Walgreen's has another free offer.

If you missed the other Walgreen's free offers I have posted for you, you really missed out, so don't miss this one.  This is for a free 8 x 10 collage print.  Just go to, click on the photos tab on top, and sign in or register for a free account.

Upload photos that you like.  Click on gifts in photos, then collage prints, and order a 8x10 collage.  Checkout and put in the coupon/promo code GOODTHOUGHTS that will make the print free.  Choose that you will pick up in the store to avoid shipping charges, which will make it totally free.  Picking up in the  store means you do not have to enter any credit card information.

You can upload up to twenty pictures for the collage and choose the type of border you want, I ordered mine with a black border.  This is an another great deal from Walgreen's Photos, and would make a great gift, put it in a frame and it will be a very special gift for someone, or yourself.  Walgreen's does a really good job with the photos so don't miss out.


Hi,  today I wanted to tell those of you who haven't tried it, what oil pulling is.  I've been doing it for about 3 years now, and yes I do it every day. 

How To Oil Pull

Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice.  Ayurveda means "the science of life," and is a traditional medicine that is Asian, specifically native to India.  It has become popular as an alternative medicine in the western world.

It is a very simple procedure, but very effective.  It involves taking one tablespoon of sunflower or sesame oil  nto the mouth on an empty stomach, and swishing it around the mouth, and "pulling" the oil through the teeth for about 20 minutes.  The oil should be a thin white liquid when you done and spit it out, if it isn't, and it is still thick or yellow you haven't done it for long enough. It is best done first thing in the morning, but can be completed anytime you haven't eaten or drunk or 3 hours. I recommend using only organic unrefined oils, but tradition doesn't require it.

You then spit the oil out, NEVER swallow it, because it is loaded with toxins and bacteria, that it removes from the body.  The mouth is very vascular so it is believed to be able to remove toxins because there is a vast  blood supply in the mouth.  It is best not to spit it in the sink since it is loaded with toxins and bacteria, and you don't want that in your sink.  It could also eventually clog up your drains, since it is oil.  I would recommend what I do.  I simply spit it in the garbage since I use a plastic liner, and usually have plenty of tissues and paper towels in the garbage to absorb the oil, so I never have a problem.  You will need to decide what's best for you to do in the method of discarding the oil.

The Benefits Of Oil Pulling 

Many believe numerous diseases can be heal by this process, and many have claimed cures from it.  I can't attest to that, but I do believe it is healing.  What I can attest to is the claim that it it whitens the teeth, and "anchors" loose teeth that are unstable and/or sensitive, and it improves the condition of the gums and the entire mouth.  Some people use other oils, but it is not recommended and may not work as well with other types of oils.  I occasionally use coconut oil when I've run out of the sesame, but quickly get the sesame and resume with that.

Right after you spit it out you are supposed to rinse with salt water, and then brush your teeth thoroughly.  I usually oil pull for about one hour, and then I rinse with salt water and then I brush with soap (that's a blog for another day).  You can brush with toothpaste, but please make sure it isn't one loaded with chemicals.  After that I scrap my tongue thoroughly, then I drink my lemon water, next filtered water, and then on to breakfast.  That's my morning routine.

Stick With It

At first it will be a little awkward since you can't speak during oil pulling, and it may seem like a long time, but after a while it does become second nature, and the time will go by quickly once it becomes a habit by practicing it regularly.  For me, on the rare occasions I have to skip it, I do miss it and don't really feel my mouth is as clean.  I hope you will give it a try, at least, to see what benefits you will gain from it.

Good Health and Wealth,


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hi, I hope every is getting healthier every day.

The Usual Precautions

When most people read the title, they may think I'm mainly referring to keeping food at the correct temperature. It is true that the refrigerator should be at 40 degrees F, and the freezer should be kept at 0 degrees F, because it is important to keep food at the correct temperature to help prevent bacteria from growing.

It is also important to prevent cross contamination of foods, mainly keeping raw meat and fish away from all other food, and especially foods that will be eaten raw, like fruits. It is always best to keep meat and fish completely wrapped, and at the bottom of the refrigerator where it is coldest, and where their juices cannot drip down and contaminate any other foods.

You also don't want to keep cooked foods for more then a couple of days. Not only because of bacteria, but because mold spores build up as well, and in some cases can be more harmful then some bacteria. Mold spores can start forming quickly and you can't always see it, especially in the beginning. That is one reason that leftovers, while they can be very tasty and easy, are not always the healthiest. If you're looking for optimal health, it is best to eat food freshly prepared.

Plastic Food Containers Are Not Safe

There is some food, though, that you will need to store in the refrigerator, freezer or the pantry. One of the most important things when storing food is what you are storing it in. I know that many people like the convenience of storing food in plastic, but plastic is a chemical and it is best not to store any edible items in plastic.

Sometimes it is impossible to avoid foods in plastic altogether. I wish everything was stored and sold in glass, but that just isn't the reality. These plastic containers seem to be ubiquitous nowadays, so if you have to buy foods that come in plastic, you certainly don't have to store them in plastic. Use glass
or ceramic or some other inert substance, and never heat or cook any food in plastic, as in microwaving, makes the plastic even more unstable, and leaches even more toxins more into the food.

Plastic is a chemical, and it does leach toxins into the foods that are store in it, especially acidic, and fatty foods, and foods with a lot of liquids. Everyone is now aware of how the plastic water bottles leach chemicals into the water, and many have switched to stainless steel which is a safer choice.

BPA In Plastic Food Containers

When BPA (Bisphenol A) hit the news that is was not only in water bottles, but baby bottles too, people started to take notice. What a lot of people don't realize is that not only bottles and containers contain BPA, but the lining on many cans as well, which is another reason to avoid all canned foods.

BPA is a very serious problem, that has been with us for a long time.  Studies have shown it to cause damage to the neurological, endocrine, and reproductive systems.  Researches have also linked it to cardiovascular problems, cancer, obesity and diabetes.

If you still insist on using plastic, at least check the bottom for the number. Some numbers are safer then others, although, none are totally safe, in my opinion. You'll find the number in the triangle recycling symbol, and the safer numbers are supposed to be 1, 2, 4, and 5, and the worst are 3, 6 and 7, which should be avoided. That is what the so called experts are saying.

I do have to disagree and say that I don't believe, personally, that any of them are safe to use with food. I do buy yogurt, but I limit my plastic to that, and wish I could buy it in glass containers. Remember, and this is very important, these plastic containers have been used for YEARS, and none of these experts said they weren't safe. No one told us not to use them, until years later. We have no way of knowing the full extent of the damage this has caused. That is why I'm appealing to everyone to get the plastic out of the kitchen.

 Other Uses For Your Plastic Containers

You can still use your plastic containers in other rooms. I use mine for all sorts of catchalls; they are great for getting organized. So there is no reason to discard them to our landfills to leach toxins into the soil and water basin, just use them for nonfood items.

Good Health and Wealth,


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hi, today is a hot day in New Jersey, around 90 degrees. While I enjoy the warmer weather, this is too hot, too soon. Hopefully, tomorrow we'll have more springlike weather. I know this is better weather then some of you are having, but I'd kind of like to have some spring weather before we get the summer, lol.

Today I was looking for some papers, and I came across a favorite poem of mine, so I thought I would post it, just in case anyone isn't familiar with it. I know most of you are, but it is also nice to read again. It was written by Max Ehrmann, reportedly in the 1920s, likely 1927. I hope you enjoy it.


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann

Good Health and Wealth,
