Monday, May 17, 2010


Hi, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm sorry I couldn't post this past weekend as it was a busy one. 

The 2010 Tapping World Summit Is Now Set

I attended the 2009 Tapping World Summit, and got a lot out of it.  I wanted to let you all know about it so that you could sign up and attend this year's Tapping World Summit.  The best thing is you don't even have to leave your computer, or chair.  This is an online conference, and the second best news is that it is free.

You've read many of my posts about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or as many now refer to it in the broader sense MTT (Meridian Tapping Techniques).  Whatever you call it you want to know as much as you can about it.

Sign Up For The Tapping World Summit Now 

I have a bit of conflicting information that it starts on June 6 and 7.  I'm not certain what it is yet, but if you sign up you will receive all the information, and an email will be sent with the link to attend before each session.  It runs for ten days.  It turned out that over 81,000 of us attended the 2009 conference.  Here is the link if you want to learn about it, and sign up thanks to Dr. Mercola.  Registration is near the top of the page, and also at the bottom of the page.  You only have to give your name and email address.

There will be many great speakers, and when you sign up you'll get five bonus interviews, one from Bruce Lipton, one of the leading experts in epigenetics, which I'm really interested in hearing, another  from Jack Canfield of "The Secret," and a few others.  So don't miss this amazing opportunity.  I'll "see" you there.

Good Health and Wealth,


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